How to Remove Copy of Shortcut Virus Ramnit Easily

How to delete Copy of Shortcut Virus Ramnit Easily. I will tell you a story. Once upon i time, live a handsome boy named Faiz Agil Wirawan. He is on holiday and don't have something to do. Then he decided to go to internet cafe. He came there to blog and download some music. When the music has ben downloaded, he insert his flashdisk to the computer. Suddenly, a problem occured...

how to remove copy of shortcut

On his flashdisk, there are something called "Copy of shorcut" . And not only one, but many. He then tried to delete them all, but they just reappears (come back again !). What the hell is this ? Faiz feel confused, but he is a smart boy, so he tried to do some searching on google. Finally, he know what that thing is..

It is Ramnit shortcut, a well-known virus. Ramnit was found at 2010. It slips on executable file (.exe format) and infect USB drive (flashdisk). But these day, ramnit has evolved. Not only usb drive, it can infect your laptop/computer too. 

When your laptops/computer has been infected. You will see a thing named "Copy of Shorcut". Look at your folder and you will notice that it has been duplicated. Delete, and it will come again. 
If you don't solve this virus quickly, you can say "Goodbye" to your computer. Just kidding, i know the solution. In this article, i will tell you how to fix copy of shorcut virus easily. You just need to download PCMAV Express.

copy of shorcut remover

PC MAV Express is a antivirus designed to remove Ramnit Virus. It's easy to use. Just download using this link. After that, open PCMAV. Close all your application and disconnect LAN or Internet connection. Don't do anything while the scanning process happen. After the scanning has been completed, restart your computer/laptop. 

Is the "Copy of shorcut" still exist ? if yes, do the scanning again. If it has been removed, then the problem is solved. Goodbye Ramnit !

In the End, Faiz can remove the ramnit virus. Then he live happily ever after...
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